Mikey Lawless is the bass player in UK rock band Falling Red, recently he made the following statement :-
"Hi everyone. This has taken a while to come up with but here it is.
A few of my very very close friends and family already know this news and today you will all know aswell.
On the 10th of April I was given the news that I have unfortunately got brain cancer and it is completely incurable.
I've decided to go through treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
This gives me a 25% chance of living for the next 2 years.
On a more upbeat note, I'll let you know that I will not be wasting this time and I will be making the absolute most of everything.
Hopefully I'll see you soon. Love you all"
This has already started to affect his work life and is meaning his shifts are limited but Brewdog Carlisle have been very supportive throughout this in helping him back to work.
The funds raised here will be used for any day to day financial issues Mikey may have along the way and also for him to plan and achieve some amazing times with friends and family.
Your support is very much appreciated.
Follow the link to > gofundme < to donate to the fund.
After hearing the sad news about Mikey Lawless last week, I spoke to Dave Sanders to see if it was okay for us the donate to a fund for Mikey if one was being set up. He said he would let me know when he knew what was happening. Today Dave launched a fundraiser on gofundme.com to do just that. The next charity event that The Rock'n'Roll Circus Events has planned isn't until September, but we have decided to donate all the money raised at Dollfest 6 to the fund when the time comes. Mikey has played in the past at our charity events with Falling Red, so we thought this time we would try and help him in a small way. We wish him well with his treatment and hopefully he will be back at The Dolls House, Abertillery to play for us in the future.