The long awaited album from The Midnight Dogs called "Hotel Mango" has arrived at The Rock & Roll Circus HQ & Paul Cairns gives his thoughts.
Personally, I had rather high expectations for this, and after listening to it I was not disappointed!.
The guys have produced the goods yet again!. The album is really tight and on a different level to their previously released material.
Although they have stepped up a few levels with this little beauty, they have maintained that dirty Rock'n'Roll sound that had me hooked from the first time I’d heard them, after they’d passed on a demo cd to Ceri Davies.
Having formed a good relationship with the guy's, I was uncertain about reviewing this album, but the new material and the transformation of some classics makes this album one to own!.
They have a limited edition run of around 200 albums that I can't see hanging around for too long when they hit Leicester for the album launch.

Tickets available HERE!!
Check out the video for "Let's Go", taken from the album.